Saturday, August 29, 2015

Why Japanese Men And Women NEVER GET FAT

The "Ancient Japanese Secret" You DON'T Know About That's STOPPING Your Body From Burning More Stubborn Fat

Did you know that the Japanese are the LEANEST and HEALTHIEST people on the planet?
They are more likely to reach 100 years old than anyone else in the world, a fact that most researchers attribute to their diet.

In fact, many call their home "The Land of Immortals".
In addition to their high life expectancy, they are known for their unusually low mortality from cardiovascular disease and even certain types of cancers.

THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE: They are 8 times LESS likely to die from coronary heart disease, 7 times LESS likely to die from prostate cancer, 6.5 times LESS likely to die from breast cancer, and 2.5 times LESS likely to die from colon cancer than an average American of the same age.

And get THIS: the Japanese have the LOWEST rates of obesity (only 2.9%) in the world, versus 11% for the French and 32% for Americans, according to the International Obesity TaskForce.
So evidence clearly proves they live LEANER and age SLOWER than the rest of the world.

So what exactly is this Mysterious and FORGOTTEN
Fat Burning Nutrition Secret
of the Japanese?

A strategic diet that contains MORE carbs... instead of LESS.

YES, you heard it right!
The traditional Japanese diet consists of 85% carbohydrates, 9% protein, and only 6% fat...
I'm not advocating you eat like this - NO WAY! You still have to be "smart" about it by using the Carb Cycling solution found below.

But it proves once and for all, that despite all the bad press over the years, many high carb foods like potatoes and rice do NOT make you fat.

Make no mistake about it. The Japanese diet staples are high carb foods like white rice and Samurais were even known for eating up to 24 different varieties of potatoes! 

Ironically, to this very day they're STILL the leanest and healthiest people in the whole world.

Eating carbs like this would be considered CRAZY by today's low carb diet standards.
But the Japanese continue to break all the rules and eat carbs. LOTS of them.
How do the Japanese continue to eat a HIGH carb diet, while keeping the fat off their body to stay leaner and healthier than the rest of the world year after year?
Let me tell you the real truth about the Japanese from the story above that keeps them leaner and healthier than everybody else...

Many of the "forbidden" High Carb foods you THINK you need to avoid actually help you burn WAY MORE fat than popular Low Carb Diet Foods you eat everyday

Do you really think lean and healthy people, like the Japanese, obsess over choosing low glycemic foods, counting calories and carb grams?

Absolutely not: It's been a part of their culture for hundreds of years.
You might think it's all in their genes, but when Japanese people adopt a western-style diet, they put on weight quickly and gain fat rapidly just like we do.

That's because the Japanese were raised differently than you so they unknowingly have access to a diet secret that doctors and researchers have been missing out on for years...

ANY Person At ANY Age Can REPROGRAM Their Metabolism To Burn MORE Fat By Strategically Eating MORE Carbs...

But that's not all. The most important piece of the fat loss puzzle is what's been known since the days of the caveman.

MOST of these foods are NOT what you think they are.
As you'll discover below, most of the lower carb diet foods you think help you burn fat could actually be making you fatter with every bite, while eating many of the high carb foods you try to avoid can actually help you burn MORE fat.

You just have to be smart about it >>

Nutrition Breakthrough: White Rice Now Proven BETTER Than Beloved Brown Rice For Increasing Your Fat Loss and BOOSTING Your Metabolism

Nutrition Breakthrough: White Rice Now Proven BETTER Than Beloved Brown Rice For Increasing Your Fat Loss and BOOSTING Your Metabolism
Let's smart to be healthy

By Shaun Hadsall
Best Selling Nutrition Author and Stubborn Fat Specialist

Did you know that fibrous brown rice may contain MORE harmful ingredients than white rice?
Did you know that if you intentionally avoid white starchy foods like white rice, and eat the beloved brown rice instead, it may actually be WORSE for your health than eating the demonized "white" rice?

In fact, if you constantly cut out your favorite starchy carbs it can SLOW DOWN your fat loss and be more harmful on your metabolism than MANY so-called healthy foods you're probably eating right now.

The 3 food lies below will show you exactly why eating more of your favorite high carb foods like white rice, the RIGHT way, can actually be BETTER for your metabolic health and your fat burning hormones than eating diet foods.

Once you discover these 3 "unknown" food facts, that nobody EVER talks about, you'll know how to intentionally eat MORE white rice and other high carb starches to increase fat-burning hormones, accelerate calorie burning, and KEEP your metabolism revving higher week after week.

My name is Shaun Hadsall, and in my 15+ years of experience in the diet and nutrition industry I discovered a proprietary nutrition secret that will keep your body looking young, help you CONTROL your fat-burning hormones, WITHOUT storing your favorite carbs as fat.

I've used and taught these carb cycling methods to thousands of men and women of all ages from all over the globe. All you have to do is follow the simple nutrition advice below and you'll see exactly why your favorite high carb white starchy foods can help you maintain a healthier metabolism and burn more fat.

But please proceed with CAUTION. What you're about ready to read will probably be the exact opposite of what you've been told about losing belly fat. You won't hear this from your local personal trainer and you won't read about it inside any fitness magazine that's for sure!
These 3 Food Lies uncover exactly why white rice can be BETTER THAN BROWN RICE for your health and fat loss by BOOSTING your metabolic rate and REBOOTING your fat burning hormones.
Below, you'll discover exactly why brown rice is CLEARLY NOT the better choice than white rice, and you'll also learn how eating white starchy carbs can help keep your metabolism healthy and consistently accessing fat as its primary fuel source on a daily basis...